The Enneagram is formally represented by a circle that includes an equilateral triangle intersecting a six sides figure. The points touching the circle are numbered from one to nine in a clockwise direction and are connected by lines and arrows in both internal figures.
The Enneagram nowadays is mainly used to outline nine personality types with distinct and specific mental, emotional and motor patterns, and the interrelationship between them. Actually, the Enneagram is much more than this. It represents in a very precise way three intelligences – cognitive. emotional and visceral – with different approached to the world, and three survival impulses that affects in an automatic way our decisions and actions. It also describes different aspects of experience shared by all human beings. It’s a map of the path in the journey back home, the self-remembering.
One of the main points of strength and interest of the Enneagram is its objectivity and not being identified with any ideology or doctrine. It speaks a language that overcomes cultural, educational or religious differences. Describing our differences, it enlighten a level of common humanity..
The Enneagram offers various levels of interpretation and two of them are particularly evident. One is horizontal and it’s useful to understand the functioning of our personality and for supporting the awareness of cognitive, emotional and instinctual limiting patterns and of the available resources. It explains in a clear and detailed way the real motivations of our behaviour and it reveals the hidden intentions, beliefs and bias that automatically guide our decisions, providing concrete indications about the resources that can lead us out of this limitations. One is vertical and makes it clear the change within the personality, the shifting within the spectrum of motivations, traits, and defenses. A third one shows the connection between personality and Essence and the spiritual dimension.
Le pecore sono docili e spesso utilizzate per il pascolo.
It is a support to the process of change and transformation that becomes really functional and useful when it’s contextualised and practically applied with appropriate methods. Its’ precious in all situations considering self knowledge ed individual trasformazione as the fundament for any positive change in the quality of life and inworkplace..